About Us
Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success. Leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.

Our experienced organization facilities a highly customized platform based on the requirement through our innovative ideas and expertise.

Technology Competence
Bengal Infotech has numerus professionals equipped with vast experience and technical knowledge alongside Artificial Intelligence.

We have a very Unique approach to test the candidate so that they have different work approach in different situations to tackle the problems in hand.
What we do in an assessment
Assessment is the systematic collection, review and use of information about educational
programs to improve student learning.
Skill Gap Analysis
Base Knowledge
Hands-on Experience
We create together, measure always, and revise often, ensuring your customers stay at the focus.
We’re proud to partner with globally loved brands.
We Certifies
the SKILL.
Bengal Infotech is a leading skill’s assessment agency having a network of assessors across India covering all skill sectors. Bengal Infotech works with the private and government bodies and corporates to carry out assessments and certify trainees in technical and non-technical skills.
Assessment should be a part of our life to make our lifestyle more rich. We as an Assessment agency not only level up trainee’s skill but also their overall capability to explore their full potential.
Sumanta Dutta
Operation Manager